Removing The Pests In Your Home


Are pests annoying you? Are these annoying creatures too much to handle? Pests can be really problematic to your life as a whole. Unfortunately, pests can also cause health issues, depending on what kind they are. Read this article to learn how you can address the most common pest problems.

If you are concerned that you have bed bugs, do not try to remove your mattress from your home. Dragging it through the house is likely to spread the infestation. Instead, keep everything stored in that one location. You can add a "bed bug cover" to the mattress to try and contain the problem, although you will need to be seen by a pest control specialist.

Never step on a cockroach to kill it. When you step on it, it can release its egg sac. The eggs can then be transferred from the bottom of your shoes throughout the carpets and rugs in your home. survive in your carpet until they are ready to hatch, leaving you with a much bigger roach problem.

If you have a lot of trees or bushes around your home, prune them. This is a good way to prevent insects and animals from moving closer to your home, as they will not be able to transport themselves. Try to prune your trees at least once every few months or when they are getting too large.

Make your own inexpensive ant traps using boric acid and sweet liquid. Mix a couple of tablespoons of boric acid powder into a cup of honey, molasses, or simple syrup. Pour the mixture into bottle caps or shallow plastic lids. Place these traps in areas where you have seen ants, but keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

If rodents such as raccoons or skunks are tearing your garbage bags, set a trap where you usually leave your garbage. Attract the animal with a piece of meat and make sure the trap you use is large enough for the animals you have observed. If possible, release the animal in the woods instead of killing it.

Make sure that every single night, you do the dishes in a dishwater or at least wash the food off of the dishes in the sink. The last thing that you will want to do is leave food in the sink, which can be a breeding ground for insects to come in your home.

Carpenter ants are attracted to damp wood; therefore, if you notice an increase in carpenter ants, check your pipes and roof for leaks. Once you have found where your problem is located, fix the leak and replace the wood to help quickly rid your home of carpenter ants. You may also want to call in a pest-control expert to treat your home.

You can kill hornets and wasps by something most people have in their bathrooms- hairspray. Use aerosol hairspray to spray their nests effectively sealing the larvae in the nest. If you are being bothered by adult wasps,simply point and spray directly at the hornet to stop him in his tracks.

If you have many mosquitoes in your yard, and possibly even infiltrating your home, try to eliminate any standing water. If there is a high population of mosquitoes on your property, they are breeding somewhere, and they can only breed in standing water. Dump anything that collects rainwater, dump kid pools and do whatever you can to eliminate breeding grounds.

While squirrels are cute, they can do a lot of damage if they get into the attic area of a home. Many times they chew through electrical wires, creating a fire hazard. Make sure any areas where cables or electrical wire enter the home is protected so they cannot chew a larger hole and gain access to the interior.

Hairspray can kill insects that you see flying around the house. It is safe for humans and pets, but not so much for flying insects. Hairspray sticks to bugs and disables them. This is great if you have an insect like a bee, and you're trying to stay far away.

Do a regular check for cracks in your foundations and walls. It is natural for fissures and cracks to form in your home's foundational structure. Pests can use them as access points. Be sure to look at the ceiling too. This can sometimes be the place that pests use to infiltrate your home.

Check to see if the shingles in your home are in need of repair every few months or so. Bugs will tend to feast on anything that is molding or breaking down, especially wood. Try to keep your home up to date if you want to avoid a bug problem in the future.

Check your house periodically for openings. You want to make sure that you don't help creatures creep into your home. Search along your foundation and walls to see if there are small holes that little critters can crawl into. If you find holes and spaces, make sure to seal them tight.

Hornets, wasps, and other dangerous bees (not honey bees) are a seemingly scary problem that can be exterminated easily. Wasp and hornet killer is inexpensive and doesn't require you to be near the nest to use it. Alternatively, hair spray can also be used through products designed to kill wasps/hornets are preferable.

Use borax and sugar to keep ants out of your home. Get a quart jar and mix within it a cup of both sugar and borax. Punch some holes in the lid of the jar. Sprinkle your mixture around the exterior foundation of your house. Also sprinkle along inside baseboards. The sugar attracts ants, but the borax poisons them.

Avoid purchasing second-hand furniture or toys. These items might come from a home infested with pest. Cockroaches can easily move from one home to the next by hiding in the cracks of a piece of furniture. If you want to buy second-hand items, take the time to inspect and clean them.

Trim (or even remove) any foliage or tree limbs that happen to be leaning onto your home. These limbs and wild brush act as exceptional climbing tools for bugs and rodents. It's like having a ladder attached right to your home, a sure welcome sign for an infestation. Proper trimming can help keep these pests at bay.

The article you just read will help you remove common pests from your home. Now that read this piece, you should be aware that you aren't alone. Most homes have pests, regardless of the location. Apply the knowledge you have gained, and take control of the situation.

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